RipSurf Review by Winston “the Find Your Flow guy”

RipSurf Waveboard Review RipSurf Waveboard Review by Winston “the Find Your Flow guy” Widdes The RipSurf Waveboard is AMAZING. Let’s get right to it…. This things RIPS! For all us landlubber types that live inland, or even if you live near the sea but maybe you want to mix it up on a flat day, […]
Dream 100
Dream 100 List This is a list of the Top 100 People I’d Like to Have on the Find Your Flow Podcast! James Redfield Mark Cuban Daymond John Lori Ryan Deiss Jennifer Lawrence Russel Brand Joe Rogan Eddie Bravo Royler Gracie Than Merrill Paul Esajian Konrad Sopielnikow Robert Kiyosaki Tim Ferriss Bishop Briggs (Sara McLaughlin) […]
#SocialFlow – What’s Happening 04/08/2016
Yes, I’m still doing “Found Flow Fridays,” but to find those you have to look at the “Categories” or search the tag, “Found Flow Fridays.” This is to catch you up on the most up-to-date awesomeness going on in the world from a fun and flowing point of view… 9-year old news reporter Hilde Lysiak […]
Find Your Flow Podcast #10 – Chris Wesley #spiritflow
My friend and favorite fiction author Chris Wesley joins me today to talk about his latest trans-media project including an art exhibit, books, ultra-media storymarks (think collectable bookmark on steroids) . ?Chris is a n artrepreneur and uncommonly raw explorer of the human condition.
The White Rose
I learned something new today… I just caught up with a lady I met at Tiamo’s Fearless Speaker Emergence a few weeks ago. She caught my attention because she works tirelessly to help homeless children, and I asked if she would like to be a guest on the podcast to share her mission. She herself […]
Growing up my mom was Jehovah's Witness. The word "witness" was interesting, but it didn't really catch my attention much back then. But basically I knew that in this context it meant someone to act as a witness to recognize Jehovah and his actions and laws. I knew from movies and TV that other […]
New Clearer Vision; 11:11am
AAAAAAGGGG!!! WORDPRESSS!!!!! Spent half hour creating post and it didn't save!!!! OKAY. Start over, shorter, sweeter. I started this at 11:11am because of awesome epiphany. I've had many recently that coincide with 11:11am or pm. Had mastermind meeting last week, even though I was in a dark, dark place, pessimistic, antagonistic, I still was determined […]
Black Belt Music Academy
So these days I am refocusing on Cash Flow. Although I do have a couple real estate deals in the works, I have a plan to launch a real estate system that I started creating years ago when I was first getting started in the business. The way to promote it has since changed as […]
#RoughLife, or Just Life?
Saw the #roughlife hashtag and had to post quick-like. Its all relative right? Its all perspective. "First World Problems" here in Sunny San Diego. But you know what , its still real. And its still rough sometimes. We can't really compare our problems to someone else's. We each have our own problems as our own […]
Mother’s Day Coming Up!
Did ya forget? Its' coming up soon! If you are like me, and you don't like to go all over the place trying to find a gift, use Amazon! You can find practically anything here. And, in full disclosure, if you clink the link below and buy something I get some love (cash flow) […]