New Video Challenge!

Every Tuesday will be a new Flow Challenge for you brave souls who want to experience more flow in their lives! These videos are super short and to the point so you can try ’em out while you have some down time, or while waiting in a line, or whatever. These videos will start off […]

Found Flow Fridays #1

Here is the official “Found Flow Fridays” blog post #1, Collector’s Edition! From every Friday hence forth I shall record my results for the week in terms of Mind Flow, Body Flow, Spirit Flow, Social Flow, Cash Flow. Mind Flow: I finished reading Ryan Deiss’ book, “Invisible Selling Machine.” Body Flow: I trained Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu […]

Hacked. Spam Army.

Hi friends,  So remember how I have been constantly looking over my shoulder worrying about if my "readers" were real people or spammers?  Well, turns out there is a good number of real people reading this right now, but a vast majority of the traffic I thought I was getting was really spammers and spambots. […]


Growing up my mom was Jehovah's Witness.   The word "witness" was interesting, but it didn't really catch my attention much back then.  But basically I knew that in this context it meant someone to act as a witness to recognize Jehovah and his actions and laws. I knew from movies and TV that other […]

We Crashed the Site!

Crappy wordpress, or crappy server. Just wrote whole post, then went to publish it and it didn't save…AAAARRRGG!!!!!  Ok, second, shorter version… We had so many visitors or so many requests to the server that they shut down this site! If you tried visiting over Memorial Day Weekend you probably saw that it was not […]

Back to back parties

Doing a surprise birthday party right now, did a school dance last night, Rhys portion won’t hi lycee until sheet I Getty hinge home.its ask gibberish will hasn’t to post in English later

New Clearer Vision; 11:11am

AAAAAAGGGG!!! WORDPRESSS!!!!! Spent half hour creating post and it didn't save!!!! OKAY. Start over, shorter, sweeter. I started this at 11:11am because of awesome epiphany. I've had many recently that coincide with 11:11am or pm. Had mastermind meeting last week, even though I was in a dark, dark place, pessimistic, antagonistic, I still was determined […]

Brazilian Flow, #BJJ

I've noticed a big surge in traffic from our friends in Brazil.  Welcome! I have been training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for almost a year now and it has been amazing.  Not only have I lost like 15 pounds, but I get to train under some really cool people in #BJJ.   Mondays is Zak Maxwell, Thursdays […]


The city is on fire!  8+ Fires here in Southern California.  I can see smoke from the East County, Lakeside fire from my backyard. I saw tons of smoke driving home down the 15 south. My heart and prayers go out to all the people who have had their houses or property destroyed, and those […]

Black Belt Music Academy

So these days I am refocusing on Cash Flow.  Although I do have a couple real estate deals in the works, I have a plan to launch a real estate system that I started creating years ago when I was first getting started in the business. The way to promote it has since changed as […]

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