How To Get Published In The Health And Wellness Industry

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How To Get Published In The Health And Wellness Industry

Become A Published Author The Easy Way To Grow Your Business, Brand And Authority

As a busy business owner or entrepreneur in the health and wellness industry, you know the value of being a published author, maybe you’ve even started a book or two.

You already know that authors are instantly recognized as experts and authorities.

But getting your book done and published is not always a priority.

It takes time, money, and effort. Plus, it can be a real nightmare to get the book out of your head and onto the paper.

Then, once you’ve got it done, getting it edited and published is even more work.

Hire A Pro Or Do-It-Yourself?

Should you hire an editor or self-edit?

Should you go with a traditional publisher or self-publish?

The good news is, it is easier than ever to write an ebook in 7 steps.

You can literally do most of the “writing” while you are driving (legal disclaimer: don’t do that!)

But seriously, if you can talk while you drive or commute, or workout, or walk the dog, you can talk into your phone, record it, and then send it to an app like Designrr to transcribe it and turn it into an ebook fast and easy.

How do you think I do it?!

Winston Widdes TEDx Speaker 1

If you’re anything like me, you are busy!

Maybe you have pets, or kids, or a life partner, or all of the above. (Like me!)

Widdes Family

Maybe you have a day job and this book would help you take your coaching business or side-hustle to the next level, BUT…you just don’t have the time!

Or maybe you don’t have the know-how.

Really, it is easier than you might think, here’s a quick example…

That’s okay, even if you were the kid in school that waited until the last minute and then pulled an all-nighter before turning in your paper the next day, you can do this! Seriously! I was that kid, and now I’ve published over a dozen books in my “spare time.”

The key is having a good workflow and the right tools.

I have literally “written books” while driving to my consulting job. Or while interviewing someone for my podcast.

FYF Book Cover Spiritflow #1 FYF Book Cover Cashflow #1 Find Your Flow book #socialflow #1

I simply downloaded a free “Voice Record” app onto my iPhone, bought myself a good noise reducing microphone, and recorded a podcast episode about a topic that I wanted to publish a book about.

How To Write A Book While Driving, Or Doing Whatever

Again, for legal purposes I will state clearly: DO NOT drive and write.

But for “entertainment purposes only” I will tell you that I did write books while driving to work or from Houston to Dallas after a business meeting. And I continue to use this strategy while working from home at my desk.

Before I got in my car I would make some bullet points about main topics that I wanted to be in the book.

Then, I would get in the car, hit “record,” and start talking!

Then, after about 30-45 minutes, I would hit “stop.”


Then I send it over to Designrr and have it transcribed for me. If you have a video or blog post, you can use that instead. Just grab a link and Designrr can take it from there! Easy!

I’ve paid for transcribers in the past, but honestly, for me, it was just one more step and one more place for frustration to happen. Sometimes they would lag, or it would need a whole lot of editing, so I’d still end up doing it myself or paying a second person to re-do the whole thing. UGH!

Once I got started with Designrr, I instantly changed my workflow and ended buying the Designrr Premium version because I realized that this tool was going to be a huge part of my marketing and brand building. Now I create books for all of my different projects, products and services.

Designrr 1 screenshot

It is a cloud-based so you don’t have to download any software, which is super convenient because sometimes I switch back and forth between my Mac and my Windows computers.

Then, once it has done the basic transcription, you can go in and see the transcription and it has the audio file right there so you can make edits and listen back if there happen to be any errors. It’s not 100% accurate, but it’s pretty darn good.

If you want to get fancy, and sometimes friend, I like to get fancy, what I do is I create a Google Slide presentation and I use photos from a free site like or and then I do a screen recording while I talk over the slides.

Then, inside of Designrr, once it has finished the transcription it will show the pictures right there in the view so you can just grab that screenshot and Designrr will put it right into your ebook for you!

Super simple.

Then, you can even design the cover right inside of the app, no design skills necessary! There are professionally designed templates so you can just choose the one you like and then plug and play your title, subtitle, and author name and voila!

Here’s a book I am self-publishing with Designrr, I just finished the book cover…

Designrr 6 screenshot

Truth be told, I didn’t write hardly any of this book, just the foreword. The rest I paid a doctor to write! (Cheaper than you might think!)

Then I put an offer for my Heart Health supplement bundle in the front of the book, so looky-loos can still use the 10% off coupon code even if they only preview the book and don’t buy it. (That’s a pro move, write that down 😉

All right, so now you’ve spent 30-45 minutes talking about your topic.

Now you let Designrr transcribe it in about 3-5 minutes.

Now you spend about another 30-45 minutes reviewing the transcription, (maybe you are faster, but that’s about how long it takes me.)

Then, you use the built-in cover designer or maybe you use something like Canva to design your cover.

Time To Publish Your eBook

Then, you simply save your work and hit the “publish” button.

It will give you some different options for the type of file you want to publish.

If you are going the Kindle route, which I highly recommend, then choose the “ePub” file type.

BOOM! You’ve “written” and published your ebook!

You can distribute it on your website, blog, podcast, YouTube, email list, etc.

Yes, you are now a “published author!” You have authored a book and published it for the world to read.

Pretty darn cool, huh!

The next big thing to consider is promoting it and distributing it.

So where else do you want to publish your book to?

If you want to publish it to Amazon Kindle, there are some more steps that I won’t get into here, but really, it isn’t too difficult. The easiest best way (in my humble opinion) is to self-publish using Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.

I can usually get it done in about 15 minutes if I have my book and description and cover all ready to go.

Or, if you want the coolness of being able to talk about “your publisher” and how you got published by “cool publisher name” then consider having me publish your book for you through Find Your Flow Publishing.

No, its not free. This is a real skill that I have invested time and money to learn and get good at.

If you want to do it yourself but want more training or hand-holding, I do have a training program and a “Get Published Challenge” where you can sign up to be in a small group. That’s where I personally take you and a few others at a time by the hand through the writing and publishing process.

The website isn’t live yet, but if you want to get on the early bird list, please email me: and put “Publish Me!” in the subject line.

I will help you self-publish or we can discuss having your book published by Find Your Flow Publishing.

How To Get Published By Health And Wellness Blogs

Well, now that you are a published author with a book, you can start to reach out to your favorite blogs or newsletters to start promoting your book.

This takes time and energy of course, and that’s what a publisher can do with you or for you, so it depends on how much time and/or money you want to invest in getting your book out there.

If you have more time than money, start building relationships with the publishers of your favorite blogs or magazines. If you have more money than time, consider hiring a PR manager or a professional publisher to do the marketing for you.

How To Get Published By A Traditional Publisher

May I be perfectly honest with you friend?

The “traditional publishing” route is not all it’s cracked up to be.

Generally speaking, you must already have a list of people that want to buy your book.

Even then, you will be expected to do the marketing and sales and promotion of your book.

Getting a big “advance” like you read about and see in the movies, is really not very realistic unless you are already big and famous.

BUT, if you go the non-traditional way, and understand how your book can help you get more clients, or higher paying clients, sell more products, etc., then you can go the self-publishing route or go with an independent publisher and make more money than you could going the traditional way.

I know that might not be what you wanted to hear, but really, if you do some more research into traditional publishing, I think you will thank me.

All right friend, I hope you see now that writing and publishing your book can actually be super fun and easy.

You got this!

If you have questions or comments just send me an email.

Until next time my friend…Be Flowing!

— Winston “the Find Your Flow guy” Widdes

P.S. The links in this article are to tools and services that I personally use. Some of them are my partner links which means if you buy the tool, I may be compensated. I really appreciate it if you purchase through my links, it doesn’t cost you anything extra and it supports Find Your Flow! Thanks friend!



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