bCast Podcast Hosting

Grow Your Business With A Podcast on bCast

You spent months, maybe years growing your business social media presence. Your blog. Your YouTube channel. Your email list.

You get leads, but they al ask the same questions, and then give you the dreaded, “let me think about it.” Or the all too familiar, “let me talk to my partner and get back to you.

Why?!  Why is it so darn hard for them to just say “YES?!”

It’s not that they don’t trust you, it’s just that they don’t trust you…ENOUGH.

How do we build trust? Rapport building is one thing, okay, you know all the mirror-matching techniques and 21 Must Know Closing Techniques crammed into every sales book you’ve ever read.

But how do we really  get someone’s attention and build that deep trust?

You guessed it, Podcasting!

Podcast Statistics You Should Know

According to InfluencerMarketingHub.com

Why You Need To Have A Podcast For Your Business

Multi-tasking isn’t going anywhere, and people love to listen to podcasts while multi-tasking. Listeners get great information about products or services that they want to learn about, as well as find communities of like-minded individuals. Many listeners even engage with the podcast host on social media.

How Do You Make Money With A Podcast

There is no limit to the ways that you can monetize your podcast, and here are some tried-and-true methods to get you started:

While there are dozens of ways to make money with your podcast, assuming you are already a business owner or entrepreneur, let’s focus on a few of the options that will most likely help you get more leads and customers for your existing business.

Traditional Sponsorships

This is what most people think of when they want to make money with their podcast. This is when someone pays you to buy pre-roll, mid-roll or post-roll ad space on your podcast.

This can be great because you can find non-competitive vendors or partners that would like to get in front of your audience to pay you for the privilege.

This is where using a podcast hosting platform like bCast becomes crucial. In the olden days, if you wanted to change the intro or outro of your episodes, you would have had to go back to each episode individually and edit the episode with the new sponsor plugs. This could take forever. Even if you are paying someone on your team or outsourcing it you will still end up paying lots of money that way.

With a host like bCast, you can actually update all the intros, outros, and mid-roll ads at once!

This means you can easily have more sponsors and change out their ads more often, which means more money and less expenses for you.

Selling More Products And Services With A Podcast

If we pick up from where we left off at the beginning of our conversation, we discussed how getting leads isn’t always the heard part, but sometimes it’s closing the deal. Sometimes they need more time to think about it. Or they need more information.

You have maybe even had the pleasure of having the exact same conversation more than once this month with different prospects. Heck, some of us have had they joy of having literally the same conversation multiple times per day.

Many websites have a FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions page for just search reasons.

Well, imagine recording that conversation as a podcast where you answer in advance the most common questions, concerns and objections that you get from prospective clients.

They not only get to hear your voice and personality,  they get the answers to their questions and essentially are “pre-qualified” by the time they actually talk to you.

Not only that, but now you have positioned yourself as an expert and authority in your field because you have a podcast about your field of expertise.

How Not To Be “Salesy” With Your Podcast

A common fear for new podcasters that are using their podcast to build their brand and authority, is how to do it without directly pitching or becoming too salesy while podcasting.

An elegant solution is to focus on giving 100% excellent content to your target audience during the episode, and then using “commercial breaks” or “and now a word from our sponsors” type of segues.

This allows you to disassociate the promotion from the content.

Again, using a podcast host like bCast will make this really easy because bCast is created specifically for this type of marketing because you can so easily switch out the offers.

You can test different offers across all of your episodes, or run specific offers on specific episodes.

For example, if you have a lawn care business and you dedicate a whole episode to discuss the best types of fertilizer, you could then have pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads from a fertilizer sponsor with a direct Call To Action to go to a website for an exclusive discount.

You can have a specific landing page or coupon code so that your listeners get a great deal and you can track the effectiveness of your offer.

Build Your Email List

Email is still super effective when done properly. Make it easy for you prospects and customer to get onto your mailing list for your newsletter and updates.

You can make a verbal Call To Action to go to your website, or even easier, you can have an email opt-in on your podcast’s own website.

Building a website isn’t always the best use of our time as business owners, but with a platform like bCast, it is done-for-you and ready to go right out of the box.  Just connect it to your favorite autoresponder and you are good to go!

Re-Purpose Your Content

“Work smarter not harder.” Re-purposing content is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get more done while actually doing less.

Imagine, simply talking into your microphone, recording it, having bCast transcribe it into a blog post, ebook, Youtube video with subtitles, all with a couple clicks.

Create books and educational programs to sell to your customers or prospects or to add more value to your membership site.

It can be a lot easier than you think when you have the right tools.

Launch Your Podcast For Fun And Profits

If you are ready to give podcasting a try, or if you are a seasoned pro looking to take your show to the next level, check out bCast today!

Test out bCast for free for 14 days CLICK HERE.

bCast Suite for Podcasting

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