Here is the official “Found Flow Fridays” blog post #1, Collector’s Edition!
From every Friday hence forth I shall record my results for the week in terms of Mind Flow, Body Flow, Spirit Flow, Social Flow, Cash Flow.
Mind Flow: I finished reading Ryan Deiss’ book, “Invisible Selling Machine.”
Body Flow: I trained Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) Monday night and Thursday night. (3 hours total) I used the kettle bell Tuesday, streched on the floor at home Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
Spirit Flow: Earlier this evening I suddenly got the song “My Generation” by The Who stuck in my head. I determined that our dryer out in the garage, hums at approximlately the pitch of Bb (B flat). I wondered if that had anything to do with it because I realized I was singing in harmony with it. Sure enough, I listened to the song and it does go to the key of Bb! (This is total music dork stuff so if you have no idea what I’m talking about don’t worry.)
Anyway, singing it I felt super fantastic, its got enough of the grit and edge that I really can appreciate. I was definitely feeling it and that uplifted my spirit for sure. I definitely want to cover this song.
Spent quality time with my son today, we had fun playing with RC cars.
Social Flow: I hung out a while after BJJ to chat with the fam. It’s a good community at the La Mesa Gracie Academy and I enjoy hanging out for a bit. I’ve been pretty active on social media lately, maybe a little too active. But I’ve been connecting with the contributing Expert Flowers that contributed to the book and recording podcasts with them, so that’s bee great. Spoke with Chris Wesley last night and that was good to catch up and get him on the podcast.
Cash Flow: Re-reading Dan Kennedy’s book, No B.S. Wealth Attraction In The New Economy (it was a Christmas gift from my sister 🙂 — Also working out details for a proposal for a marketing client, that’s fun.
All-in-all, very successful, awesome week so far!