Jolie Dawn

Jolie Dawn is the Best-Selling Author of Empowered, Sexy and Free, the owner of Jolie Dawn Creative, and an unapologetic visionary. Jolie created San Diego?s largest women?s empowerment gathering, Inner Goddess Unleashed Summit, and was named by Pacific Magazine as one of San Diego?s top 30 under 30 entrepreneurs.

Through her own journey of spirituality and self-discovery, along with thousands of hours of transformational training, Jolie discovered her innate ability to guide women back to their creative potential and inner brilliance so they can create a business and live that truly thrive. Her passion is working with Millennial women to help them build purpose-driven businesses from the ground up.


I am a lifelong entrepreneur and what I enjoy most in infusing all of my passion and energy into my business, which is supporting other women and helping them strategically grow their own businesses. I?m confident, light-hearted, and incredibly inclusive, or so I?m told. I may not have everything figured out, but I?m attuned to the universe, myself, and I have empathy to spare.

Instead of some boring paragraphs about my school and work history, learn more about me from this interview! Have more questions? Facebook or Instagram me and maybe I?ll add your question to this page, along with my answer!

What is the first 3 things you do when you wake up in the morning?
Every morning, I journal, drink warm lemon water, and then visualize the day and what I want to accomplish.
When I don?t do these 3 things, I feel frazzled and just end up checking Facebook, and wish I?d done my morning routine.

What is the first work thing you do?
I settle in and review my daily task list and confirm appointments. Not exciting, I know!

What is your favorite color to wear?
Coral pink.

What drives you to be vulnerable in public and on social media? Why share so much?
I feel like the healing of the planet is based on us being authentic. I definitely don?t have everything figured out, but I want to be real and share myself with people. It?s not about getting somewhere or being perfect or getting a dream business, but enjoying the journey. I want to share myself with others and help them be comfortable sharing themselves and being real and authentic, too.

What has been your single best moment as an entrepreneur?
When I launched Prosperty Possy, the first group program, and I got massive results. The group, the sisterhood inspired healthy competition, and there is a power that happens in the group when everyone is thriving and succeeding. I literally had a moment where I thought to myself, ?Holy crap, I have something here.?

What has been your greatest success?
A major highlight was becoming a best selling author in the ?spirituality? section on Amazon. On launch day, I couldn?t believe it, but I was ahead of Tim Ferris, and books like The Alchemist and The Power of Now. My book is such a huge piece of me, and I wrote with such heart and passion and vulnerability, I really share the totality of my life and my business, and it was so beautiful and gratifying seeing how it was well-received.

What do you consider your biggest failure in business?
My biggest failure was when I had a business partnership in 2014, and we got in over our heads trying to invest in building something huge. I ended up having to break out of the partnership, and it was the hardest thing to do? to bury a dream. That tough lesson taught me to stay grounded, have realistic visions of business and goals, and to never get into a ton of debt before bringing in revenue.

What is your favorite part about what you do?
Oh my gosh, seeing that moment that it clicks for a woman. She gets it, money is coming in, she trusts herself to be the creator of her financial future. I experience this with so much intoxicating and orgasmic pleasure. It is amazing to see my strategies work for each of my clients.

Dogs or cats?

I love both, but I?m more likely to own a cat. Feline energy!

What does your workspace look like? Why do you love it?
I work from a beautiful downtown apartment in Austin! I have an amazing standing ergonomic desk with pictures and a note holder that says ?inspire? on it.. Everything is white with accents of gold, and I have a fancy expensive light for all my videos. In the background, I have this cool wallpaper with a geometric pattern that I love, and I?m actually planning on hanging terrariums with little plants behind me on the wall. I am surrounded by light and things that make me happy., and it?s very comfortable and inspiring.

What?s your secret talent?
OK, so my brain does this interesting thing, basically decoding things with pictures. When someone talks about their business, I see visuals of it in my brain and I?m able to create a business around it. It?s completely natural, and I only recently realized how much I visualize. I?m really in tune with energy and my surroundings, and I?m a healer. I?ve facilitated some amazing healing experiences, like recently I had a client and I could feel her heartbreak in my own body and I was able to move the energy up and out of her. I?ve been receiving energy healing for years. Also I would say I am very energy sensitive and empathic.

What is your view of a good partner?
I am strategically single right now. But when I do look for a partner, I think that a good partner is someone who?s a great listener, ambitious, driven, and desires to have an impact on the world. A visionary, a big thinker. Someone who loves and respects women.

What is your first thought when I teased you and called you a hippie Elle Woods?
Laughter. I think it?s funny, and I love how she starts out on a superficial level, and then she earns the respect and her spot in law school and in life. A theme in my life is that I surprise people. People always think I?m young and cute and blond and silly, but then I speak, and I know my shit, and they?re forced to readjust their perceptions.

What turns you on?
When women turns business to pleasure in their bodies, they have such a capacity to create. I want women to look at their businesses and feel like it?s a sexy creation, it turns them on and arouses them. I help women turn the day-to-day business into something that feels good, you still do the things you don?t want to, but a change of perspective changes how you feel about it.

What?s your shoe size?
8, and my favorite shoes are any by Sam Edelman!

Where are you on Friday nights?

Meeting my girlfriends for happy hour, going dancing, and with a huge smile, celebrating pleasure and the gift of life.

Go to karaoke song?
The little mermaid song, ?Part of Your World?

What is the best conference you?ve been to?
Awesomeness Fest hands down! It?s a personal development and entrepreneurship festival with 500 people, in an exotic location, and it is amazing.

What is your fave cocktail?
Something cucumber-y and minty. I love something fresh!

When did you have the ?ah ha? moment in making money in business?
I was 25, my fianc? has broken up with me and I was scared to death because my financial future was tied to him. I got invited to a money class, and my mentor asked me ?If money were your lover, would money want to have sex with you?? and it just really struck me how dysfunctional my relationship with money was. I blamed money for my dad?s suicide, I blamed money as a source of suffering and pain and the future. That question made me realize that I had to create a functional relationship with money on my own. I started journaling daily, and that?s really how I got to where I am now.

Listen to Jolie’s podcast interview CLICK HERE



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