Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!
Happy day to all you teachers out there. You are awesome! Most of you are caring, passionate people who do fantastic things for the children (and adults) out there. I have been teaching for about 10 years now in one way or another. Started with private music lessons, then started teaching music at private […]
Easter – “Before and After” [video]
And they’re off!
Its Monday! Hurry! Look busy! I'm going to get out of here early this morning, got some music downloading and CD's to make for the reception area at the school. Then, some teaching, then a call with my favorite fiction writer, Mr. Chris Wesley. I don't read much fiction, but I love […]
Wedding Bells – Jodi Foster and Alexandra Hedison
To even out things from yesterday's post and to break the news if you haven't yet heard, Jodi Foster married her girlfriend Alexandra Hedison. Hedison is a photographer and actor on such shows as "The L Word" and Nash Bridges. Good for both of them! Also cool is that Jodie Foster will not be […]
South Park – Still Awesome
I caught part of an episode of South Park the other day. That show is insane. Pretty fricken' hilarious. This one involved a motorcycle gang vs. the town of South Park. The boys were calling them f–s and went so far as to spray paint, "Get Out F–s" all over town. Then, two homosexuals […]
Good Morning New Friends!
Love waking up in the morning and seeing this in my inbox…

Congrats to all the #Berkeley admits! Go Bears! Was able to make it out to volunteer after all yesterday. Didn't think I would be able to, Elena had massive migraines and needed help watching Bradley. Went to the meet and greet type Berkeley thing last night for students that have been admitted to get more […]
Boston Marathon
Happy Easter weekend, I hope yours was great! Back into the week. Got some planning I’m about to do. Have my first after school band rehearsal today, we should have about 4-5 kids, I’m pretty excited. But the other big news was the Boston Marathon. They just did it yesterday, one year after the […]
Easter Eggs, Happy Easter!
happy Easter to you! And if you don’t celebrate Easter no problem have a great Sunday!? I doubt any of my family actually knows what he has to do with anything. I doubt many people that celebrated have any idea either but it sure is fun to hide eggs and find them 🙂 growing up, […]
Justin Bieber vs. Miley Cyrus
If you follow pop culture you may wonder who is the coolest, or most searched celebrity. You can look it up at www.google.com/trends and see who is getting more traffic, its kind of cool, like looking into the collective consciousness. Where is our attention going? Our life energy as a society?