Reina the Reindeer
Yesterday I told Elena that the name of Bradley’s stuffed reindeer is Reina the Reindeer. Now we are here at the mall and the sales lady helping us is named Reina!
Lost and found
Yesterday I was walking to work and remembering a college friend. I thought of something he owned that was kind of unique. Anyway, walking through the park today I almost stepped on one.
Gandhi, non-violence
yesterday Elaine ur told me a disturbing thing. Actually, so did my aunt and uncle. Apparently Elena is mom’s boyfriend had grabbed her butt. she had told me before that he may have done it accidentally and so we let it go. But now apparently he had done it to my aunt and four other […]
1 finger salute, coincidence
last night I was thinking about a friend I haven’t seen in awhile, Jeremy. I have actually made a point of not spending time with him because we are on different life paths now. Back in the day, it was fine to goof around and party and all of that, but nowadays it’s just not […]
Coincidence, dub step, dubstep
I was driving thinking about the originof the term “dubstep”. The “dub” is because the original style was sampling reggae songs without the siging, so the audience could sing over the track, dubbing it themselves. As I just opened my phone I got a Facebook message getting invited to an event titled, “Dub —” Whyami […]