What Can You Do to Avoid Developing Heart Disease?
What Can You Do to Avoid Developing Heart Disease? Learn How You Can Improve Your Heart Health and Avoid Heart Disease Heart disease can have serious consequences for your overall health. It increases your risk of having a stroke or heart attack, which can be life-threatening. Luckily, avoiding heart disease doesn’t necessarily need to involve […]
5 Types of Medications Used to Combat Heart Disease
5 Types of Medications Used to Combat Heart Disease Discover The Top 5 Medications That Are Commonly Used for Heart Disease If you’ve been diagnosed with heart disease, you’re not alone. Nearly half of all American adults are affected by cardiovascular disease. So, it’s important to make every effort to improve your heart health and […]
How to Recognize the Symptoms of a Heart Attack
How to Recognize the Symptoms of a Heart Attack Learn What Heart Attack Symptoms Look and Feel Like Many people who suffer from heart disease don’t know they have it until they experience a heart attack. Some heart attacks can seem to come out of nowhere, with almost no warning before they occur. However, most […]
Advances in Treating Cholesterol to Manage Heart Disease
Advances in Treating Cholesterol to Manage Heart Disease How to Manage Heart Disease by Treating Cholesterol Even though our bodies need cholesterol, too much of the ‘bad’ kind of cholesterol, called low-density lipoprotein (LDL), can cause serious health issues. These include plaque deposits that increase your risk of heart disease, heart attacks, or stroke. Just […]
What Is the Best Heart Healthy Diet for Heart Disease?
What Is the Best Heart Healthy Diet for Heart Disease? Discover the Best Heart Healthy Diet for Heart Disease! Your diet plays a huge role in your overall health, especially when it comes to preventing and managing heart disease. Common causes of heart disease, including high blood sugar and high cholesterol, are made worse by […]
Understanding Heart Disease’s Connection to Arrhythmias
Understanding Heart Disease’s Connection to Arrhythmias What is the Connection between Heart Disease and Arrhymias? Normally, your heart beats at a steady pace between about 60 to 100 beats per minute (bpm). However, in some cases, your heart may beat faster, slower, or in an irregular rhythm. This is known as heart arrhythmia. In many […]
3 Major Complications Caused by Heart Disease
3 Major Complications Caused by Heart Disease Learn the Major Complications Caused by Heart Disease and How To Avoid Them If you have heart disease, your heart is less efficient at pumping blood. The blood vessels throughout your body, which facilitate blood flow to various organs, may be damaged as well. These conditions can have […]
Modern Advances in the Treatment of Heart Disease
Heart disease treatments have come a long way over time, with scientists continually developing new methods of addressing heart disease symptoms and root causes.
5 Major Causes of Heart Disease You Should Avoid
5 Major Causes of Heart Disease You Should Avoid According to the Center for Disease Control, (CDC), “Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, causing about 1 in 4 deaths.1 The term “heart disease” refers to several types of heart conditions. In the United States, the most common type of […]
Myocardial Infarction – Heart Attacks and Heart Disease
Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack) Myocardial Infarction, better known as a “heart attack,” seems to becoming more common these days according to some people on social media. But what does the science have to say about it? What are the sources? What are some causes of myocarial infarction? Heart disease is a big one. And there […]