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Achieving Goals
Achieving Goals – Get more done in less time…the easy way!
If you are interested in achieving goals you have probably already heard about setting SMART Goals = Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely
In addition to being SMART, they should also tie-in to your “WHY.”
What is your WHY?
WHY do you want to achieve the goal in the first place?? What will it do for you?? Why is that important to you?
Getting clear about your WHY can play a big part in how much energy and attention you put into achieving any particular goal.? And that is very important, especially for goals that are challenging.? When the excitement of setting the goal has waned, what will keep you motivated to keep working toward achieving goals that you set?
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Achieve more goals in less time with this free productivity booster!
And, if we consider that achieving goals takes time, and probably energy, then we should ideally try to find a way to enjoy the process.? Again, tying your goals to your “why” can really help here!? I often recommend to students that they create a “Vision Board” or “Dream Board” with images of their WHY on it so that they can be reminded of why they set the goal in the first place!
Keeping that image in front of you day in and day out can make achieving goals much more enjoyable.? And if you are setting really good goals, and know anything about getting into “flow states” then you may find yourself flowing through the work toward your goals!
When you can flow through the work toward achieving your goals, suddenly setting good goals and working toward them becomes not just enjoyable, but almost magical!
In fact, this entire website is dedicated to this idea.? Set an achievable goal, with a reasonable timeline, and then work toward it and use the work as an opportunity to get into FLOW.
Maybe you have heard this quote that relates to the magical effect that working toward a specific goal can have; “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.? After enlightenment,?chop wood, carry water.”
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What does this saying mean?? How does one experience flow while achieving goals? What does flow mean?
“Flow,” is when the level of challenge matches your level of skill, and you may feel like time flies by, or sometimes stands still, and many people describe their flow experience as a very good feeling, sometimes extraordinary!? It makes the work much more enjoyable, Zen even.
When you are setting goals that are meaningful and important to you, and you are aware of your WHY behind your goals, it gives you energy to keep working toward your goals.? As you throttle the amount of challenge to meet your level of skill at working toward that goal, you can experience flow states.
Experiencing flow states is not just for gurus, or monks who meditate all day. NO!? It is easily achievable for everyone!? Knowing how to get into flow can help you set better goals and achieve them easier and faster.
If you would like to learn more about how to achieve your goals while experiencing flow then check out FLOW in the shop!
Achieving Goals using Mental Movies
We all have something in life (or work) that we want to achieve. Most of the time we don’t know how to go about achieving these goals. Often when we do know how to go about achieving them we just allow ourselves to fail by simply giving up. Creating a mental movie can increase your chances of success as it is a creative and simple way to program your mind.
A mental movie is a creative visualization technique used by Neuro Linguistic Practitioners to help clients reprogram their mind to overcome fears or phobias, heal past traumas or to achieve work or life goals. If you know the goal you want to achieve then you can take advantage of this powerful tool to help you create a successful outcome.
Step 1: Decide your goal.
It is essential that you can identify the goal you want to achieve. It must be precise. Write it down.
Step 2: Create a blueprint.
You know the end point; the goal. It is important that you create a blueprint describing the exact change you want to make. For it to be useful and generate a successful outcome it must:
? Use all five senses;
? Be very descriptive; and
? Be written in the present tense
For example, if your goal is to become more confident in social situations your blueprint might look like this:
I am at a party for a colleague’s birthday. The room is brightly lit with music playing. There are red, blue, yellow and green balloons everywhere. I can hear people talking and laughing. I am standing in the centre of a group of colleagues talking about a movie. Everyone is listening. They are smiling at me and I feel happy. The beat of the music pulses through me making me feel invigorated. I feel comfortable talking and listening with others.
With every sip of my drink I feel stronger and more confident. Each bit of the delicious food makes me feel happier. I am smiling?
You can include different scenes, just like in a real movie. So change the situations to include any that are important in helping you to create the movie of the life you desire.
Step 3: Relax
It is important to relax as this is how you will get your subconscious mind to open up and be receptive to your mental movie.
Find somewhere comfortable. Close your eyes. Tense every muscle in your body and then release. Repeat twice more. Next, breathe in deeply through your nose to a count of five and out through your mouth to a count of eight. Repeat this three times or until you feel relaxed.
Step 4: Play your movie
This is where the mental programming takes place. You play your mental movie visualizing you living the goal you set. It is important that your movie is played as if you are living it now. Feel the emotions, experience the sights and sounds. Don’t forget to include all your senses to make the experience feel real.
To make sure that your new mental program is fully installed you will need to repeat steps 3 and 4 every day for 30 days for best effect.
“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill
Finally, here is a free mindmap to keep you achieving goals regularly!