#Bitcoins for Administrative Professionals?

Happy Administrative Professionals Day!  These folks make the world go 'round.  Big ups on Social Flow and Cash Flow! AND, I just learned that in some places people are getting paid now in Bitcoins.  I didn't know how big this new currency was getting, pretty neat.  Really exciting actually.  I am studying up on it […]


Congrats to all the #Berkeley admits! Go Bears! Was able to make it out to volunteer after all yesterday.  Didn't think I would be able to, Elena had massive migraines and needed help watching Bradley.  Went to the meet and greet type Berkeley thing last night for students that have been admitted to get more […]

#EarthDay…Missed it by thaaaat much.

Yeah so in my last blog post I put that EarthDay was right around the corner, completely oblivious to the fact that it WAS EARTH DAY!  Wow, ha-larious. SO I figured it out later in the day and still managed to not do anything extra Earthy.  But here I am at 12:31am and I am […]

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