I did a short teaser blog yesterday about a super juicy story that I was going to share with you, however, I don't want to add fuel to the fire. I had an experience with a client that went less than stellar. Actually, I thought it was going fairly well, until some weird things started happening. I don't want to go into it anymore because I want to change my whole perception around it and move beyond it, it has already taken too much psychic and emotional energy.
Instead, it is a success that I made it through the experience and have the opportunity to practice feeling "larger than life."
I can practice seeing myself and this whole planet as being a "small world" that fits into my heart. This allows me to forgive and forget and see things in a much larger context that make the thing that had been stressful seem small and trivial.
Without this 'negative' experience I would have nothing to contrast to know what a 'good' experience was. So how will I deal with it? Will I continue to let it anger me, something I bring up and rant about every chance I get? Or will I move on?
The fact that I am not ranting about specifics but am talking about the lessons I can learn from it here is probably a good step in the right direction. Had I started blogging about this yesterday or the day before I assure you that it would have had a very different tone.
Here is to time and healing!