“3 Steps to Flow” Audio Program

Experience flow in 3 easy steps!  Feel great as if everything is working out for you and you can do no wrong because you can flow with it!  Get deeper into your favorite activities.  Take your game to the next level!  Enjoy the process.  Find yourself getting more things done.  You may find yourself saying, “that was flowing!”





3 Steps to Flow Starter Kit


Experience Flow Easily- 3 Steps To Flow Audio Program

Are you wondering about finding your flow? How do you do it?

How does one experience flow states?

Is it some vague theory or is there a systematic way to get into flow?

There are many ways to get into a flow state, and no way is necessarily better than another.

Whatever works for YOU is best. And, what works best can sometimes also be what is the easiest.

This training will walk you step-by-step for using almost any activity, from walking your dog, to driving to work, to doing the dishes, into a delightful flow experience.

Feel Flow States

Flow states are real and almost magical feeling experiences that one can have while doing almost anything.

It is the perfect balance of body automation, and focus, and time.

In this training you will learn what a flow state feels like so that you can feel your way into flow.

You will now that you have experienced a flow state when you feel so good doing something that you don’t want to stop!

You may start to wonder how you can experience flow in other areas of your life so that you can flow while doing everything!

Flow States – Quality Over Quantity

Have you ever found yourself regretting the way you spent time? Do you ever feel like you weren’t fully present to the people or experience that was happening in the moment?

Many people are feeling like they are getting pulled in so many directions that the people and situations that really deserve your attention most…don’t get it.

So how does one become more present?

How does time spent with someone become, “quality time”?

Becoming ‘present’ is a practice.

Not necessarily meditation in the most common sense. No need to sit quietly or chant for hours a day.

Although those methods might work, there are other methods to become more present, more aware, more flowing.

The Find Your Flow flowosophy is a simple practice that can be applied to pretty much any activity that you do in your life.

Sweeping the floor? Yes!

Walking the dog? Yes!

Feeding the baby? Yes!

Driving to work? Yes!

Chopping wood? Carrying water? Yes and YES!

The activity itself does not need to be “holy” or sacred or spiritual or religious or traditional or new age…

YOU bring the holy/spiritual/present awareness to it and as a result you experience flow.

It is really easy when you know how. And you can learn to do it in three easy steps.

This complete 3 Steps To Flow Audio Program includes 15 audio tracks and a printable workbook that includes over 2 hours of strategies, concepts and case studies to help you get into flow quickly and easily in any area of your life!

Flow Through Your Day

Have you ever met with a friend, or gotten into a game, and the time flew by! It went by so fast!

Or maybe you’ve experienced the opposite, where you were doing something that you didn’t like to do, and the time dragged by super slowly and seemed to take forever!

Isn’t that weird?

How TIME can seem to go faster or slower?

Isn’t TIME always the same speed?

Or can it change depending on the way YOU personally experience it?


What if getting into a state of flow at some level was getting a better sense of your own personal relationship to “time?”

Well, that’s one of the ways that you can start to experience flow states by becoming more aware of the element of “time” in your conscious experience. And how do you do that?

There are many ways. Many ideas, strategies, etc.

But for me, I prefer, the short-cut.

That’s why over the years I took notes and practiced getting into flow states doing all sorts of different things like running, walking, talking, playing video games, playing musical instruments, surfing, working, sweeping, reading, and basically anything and everything that I could think of.

Then, I boiled it all down into 3 simple steps that would allow me to “gameify” any situation into a flow state.

I came up with 3 steps to flow!

With this training you can develop the super power to get into the flow instantly for maximum success and fun.

You can use these techniques to become a Zen master under almost any circumstances, whether its the kids running around screaming or a full blown emergency. You can be the calm in the storm.

Experience flow states for yourself, the easy way, in just 3 steps!

Get the course and get in the flow today!

–Winston “the Find Your Flow guy”


This program includes:


“3 Steps to Flow Audio Program” 15 MP3 audio tracks

Course Workbook



All available for immediate download.

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