Clarity is Key.
How clear have I been lately? ?Mmm, not as clear as I could have been.
So let’s take a moment to get clearer and make an affirmation out of it. ?Why? ?Because I have seen a couple opportunities pass me by because of old programming in my head.
For example, I was on ESPN radio the other day, and somehow I got around to talking about DJ’ing, which is okay, but I really should have been more focused on presenting myself as a speaker.
If I keep telling people that I DJ, I will probably keep getting DJ gigs. And that is not what I want! ?So in order to change what I get, I have to change what I am thinking, and in turn change what I am talking about and putting out into the world.
So, here is my new affirmation…
“I am a 2x #1 Best Selling Author and Flow Expert. ?I help business owners and entrepreneurs experience more flow in their lives and organizations.
I do that through musical Keynote Concerts where I share stories, exercises and songs that give individuals the experience of independent flow and interdependent group flow.”
It’s a work in progress, but its a start.
Now I’ll print it out and put it on my wall and read it every day until I say it in my sleep. Then I know the “I’m a DJ” program has been replaced.
So there you have it! ?It’s not rocket science, but it does take a little bit of self-awareness and the desire to change. ?Just get clear about what you want to change, and then write yourself a new program, spend the next 21-30 days “installing” it and you’re good to go!