Wow. Long week. Was up in Orange County for a biz trip. Had a mastermind meeting with the one and only Henry Evans, the one of my favorite people, awesomest mentors and biggest supporters.

It was quite great. I also managed to eat two decently ginourmous bean, cheese and rice burritos. I still feel full.

I just posted the most recent podcast: LISTEN NOW (Editor’s note: this episode has magically disappeared! I can’t find it anywhere! –Winston)

It isn’t an Akashic Records episode (Akashic Records part 2), I had to mix it up this time, didn’t get a chance to visit the records this week, its been too busy.

And, with the book launch happening tomorrow, I wanted to talk a bit about that.

At the end of the podcast I do a fun little exercise/experiment. You get to play along if you like.

I had very quick results, and I want to share them here but will wait until next week so I don’t spoil the surprise.

Oh, so I got a $12,000 bill from the IRS today. Yeah, really. Due in less than a month. So I got that going for me.

That wasn’t the surprise by the way. ?Well, actually it was a big surprise for me. ?Which brings me to my next point. Make sure that you are very, very, VERY specific with the feelings and thoughts you put out there. (Careful what you wish for.)

You may remember from Find Your Flow podcast episode #26 Money Manifestation that I had been staring down the possibility of going broke and it sucked but I kept positive and believed everything would work out just fine, actually better than fine, amazing! And, fortunately, all did work out better than fine.

So, here I am, in real time, logging life here on this blog, and sharing with you a potentially stressful and scary reality. To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure where that money will come from. But I hold in my mind that it will all work out magically. I will be guided to take the correct actions for our (my family and I) best and highest good.

I think I may do a blog just on that topic, because I think it is really an important phrase. So stay tuned. Until then, get ready for the book launch and in the meantime feel free to listen to the podcast!

Listen here–> Podcast Episode #29 – Book Launch and Magic Surprise for You (BROKEN LINK- Winston, FIX THIS LINK!!)