I've noticed a big surge in traffic from our friends in Brazil. Welcome!
I have been training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for almost a year now and it has been amazing. Not only have I lost like 15 pounds, but I get to train under some really cool people in #BJJ.
Mondays is Zak Maxwell, Thursdays (when I can make it) is Regis Libre, and Saturdays is Gustavo Dias. All are amazing and each has their own style.
Rodrigo Godoy is now back in Brazil but I got to study under him for a while, really cool dude, really funny.
I missed training on Monday, too much chaos going on. Then, Tuesday wasn't much better.
Today was pretty good, or I should say yesterday (Wednesday) as it is now 2:52am on Thursday.
School has been cancelled due to the #SanDiegoFires.
I have a magic show on Friday so I have been preparing for that and will spend most of the day when I wake up practicing and preparing. I'm pretty excited, I feel like this is a big opportunity to try some things out that I have been wanting to do for a long time. I plan to get some video and if I can pull that off I will definitely post it.
All right, gotta get some sleep. Take care, and until next time…be flowing.