Its Monday! Hurry! Look busy!
I'm going to get out of here early this morning, got some music downloading and CD's to make for the reception area at the school.
Then, some teaching, then a call with my favorite fiction writer, Mr. Chris Wesley. I don't read much fiction, but I love his work. Its cool, biting, blood boiling, crazy characters, they are all deep and have their own lives going on and fascinating situations. Plus, the style of the writing is unique and raw, just the way I like it. Never dumbed down. No punch ever pulled.
We are going to talk about his upcoming book, The Gospel of Wolves. I got to read the pre-release and it IS AWESOME! I'm very excited for the release. Plus, he does these really cool art pieces along with his books. Art made by the characters. Even real life art shows! Even actual musical releases by the musicians in the book. Its very cool and really draws you into the story.
Ok, gotta shower and get out of here, but keep fighting the good fight. I looked at my Find Your Flow YouTube channel yesterday and realized its pretty sad. Needs some love. I will be getting it updated and cleaned up over the next couple of weeks.
Also, getting lots of registrations over at so that is exciting! But, I still need to make sure everything on the backend is working properly, had a minor tech issue. THEN, actually, BEFORE, or maybe AFTER, gotta email out those freebies to You! I know, I lag sometimes. It happens. But I'm still here! You know where to find me!
Ok, I'm outta here for real this time. Keep Calm and Flow On.
Oh, click the pic above to be magically transported to some amazing music from my friends and I at Level 3 Records!